Aqua Blast is your local go-to company for exterior cleaning services including power washing and pressure washing services. Our team is fully equipped and insured to perform any type of residential and commercial exterior cleaning projects in the Twin Cities of Minnesota and Western Wisconsin area.
Whether you need your home's siding soft washed or a parking lot pressure washed, our soft and pressure washing services will leave your property spotless. We are also experts in gutter cleaning and ice dam removal services throughout the year. We take pride in our work, so when you hire us, you will be in touch with our owner from beginning to end.
Trust our team to clean your property right the first time. Why not give us a call at 651-303-4894 for a free estimate today?
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Restore the beauty of your home with our gentle yet effective soft washing service. Designed specifically for delicate surfaces like vinyl, stucco, or painted wood siding, our technique removes dirt, algae, and mildew without causing damage. Whether you're preparing to sell your home or want to boost its curb appeal, soft washing ensures your property stands out for all the right reasons. Trust us to restore your exterior with care, expertise, and precision—safely, professionally, and effectively.
Transform dull, stained concrete into spotless, refreshed surfaces with our pressure washing services. Whether it's your driveway, patio, or walkway, our high-pressure cleaning system is designed to remove tough grime, mold, and oil stains, leaving your properties’ surfaces looking brand-new. Our team ensures quality results while maintaining the integrity of your surfaces. A clean concrete, brick, asphalt or stone area not only enhances aesthetics but also ensures slip-free, safe zones for everyone.
Protect your home's foundation with our thorough gutter cleaning service. Clogged gutters can lead to water overflow, damaging your roof and even causing structural issues. We expertly remove leaves, debris, and buildup, ensuring your gutters allow smooth water flow. Prevent leaks, avoid costly repairs, and maintain your home's drainage system with our professional care. Trust us to handle the dirt so your property stays safe and secure.
Make your commercial property shine with our expert commercial cleaning services. First impressions matter, and we ensure your office, storefront, or commercial space looks inviting and professional. From stubborn stains to pollution buildup, our team expertly handles all cleaning challenges with advanced equipment and proven techniques. A clean and inviting space demonstrates to your clients and customers that you value attention to detail.
Say goodbye to unwanted tags and markings with our graffiti removal service. Using specialized cleaning methods, we erase graffiti without damaging your surfaces, whether they're brick, stone, metal, or wood. In no time, you can reclaim the professional appearance of your property and maintain the high standards your business or home deserves. Say goodbye to unsightly graffiti with our expertise—delivering fast, efficient service and exceptional results every time.
We are a Small Local Business Serving Minneapolis, MN and Surrounding Cities!
We are a family operated and don't have a large overhead like other businesses in our area. We are a local company that does not outsource our services. The owners will come to your door, provide you with a free estimate, complete the work, and make sure you are happy with our service.
We offer 10% discount to military and first responders. Don't wait - call for your free estimate today.
We serve the Twin Cities of Minnesota and Western Wisconsin, including:
Washington County
Ramsey County
Hennepin County
Dakota County
Anoka County
Carver County
Scott County
St. Croix County
For further information about our services offered in Minneapolis, call Aqua Blast today at 651-303-4894. We provide free estimates for all types of services.
Whether it's a single-family home, condo, multi-family property like apartment complexes, or senior living community, keeping the exterior clean is very important to demonstrate the quality of life in Minneapolis, MN, residents. Therefore, Aqua Blast recommends washing a residential property every 1–3 years due to Minnesota's extreme weather conditions that could accumulate a lot of dirt and grime.
The time it takes to pressure wash a house in Minneapolis depends on its size. For example, a 1,500 sq ft single-family house can take 1 to 3 hours, while a 2,500 sq ft two-story house can take 2 to 6 hours. Talk to an expert from Aqua Blast to get an accurate idea about the duration of a residential pressure washing or soft washing project.
Before we start a pressure washing project on your property, you should close all windows, remove hanging and potted plants, and remove any small or fragile items from the exterior of your home. You should also confirm that there is access to water through outdoor water spigots. Also, we recommend to keep children and pets inside while we work. Contact us to learn more about our pressure washing process.
Yes, we do. We have a whole line of expertise in pressure washing commercial properties in Minneapolis, MN, including parking garages and parking lots, public properties such as schools, hospitals or state buildings, commercial fleets, malls, post-construction washing and more. Call Aqua Blast to get an estimate for your commercial pressure washing project.
Aqua Blast takes pride in using top-quality cleaning systems and employee training in all our service areas. All of our products are home-safe and biodegradable. We do not use bleaching solutions that could affect paint and fabrics. If you are interested in knowing more about our exterior cleaning products, please get in touch with us by phone or email.
Service Locations:
Serving Minneapolis Metropolitan and Surrounding Cities
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